
Denise R gypsycaine at ...
Mon May 7 04:21:22 UTC 2001

Ever wonder where those scrolls go to when we chat?  What did you miss when
you had to attend your mother's horrible meatloaf meal on last Sunday?  Now
(and all along!) there's a place to view/get the latest Chatscripts, !

There, you can pick up two of the neatest chat-agents CheetaChat and Y!Chat;
the exe-files are stored in the Files section.  See examples of Simon's
famous Quidditch players macros!  Learn the strange names that the various
folks on this list use--well, except for me.  They haven't caught up with
ALL my names yet! heehee!

Information is available from the group on how to use CheetaChat.  Y!Chat is
still new to moderators and members, but we'll try to help you, if you need

Come, join, and don't miss out on another chat again, even if you can't be
there in body!  The spirits are high, and the snoogles fast and furious!

Besides, if you don't join, I get to POUNCE you!

(and the other moderators of the Group!)
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by
accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause
- Nathaniel Borenstein

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