ADMIN: Regional groups (was Re: Slightly OT--here's the Texas group URL)
Neil Ward
neilward at ...
Mon May 7 07:52:58 UTC 2001
cc: Announcements
Amber asked:
<<Out of wild and rabid curiousity, are there anymore HP4GU groups for
geographic regions? I tried a search on YahooGroups but only saw one for
Australia. So, what, only people in Texas and Australia want to meet other
Potter fans? <cheeky grin> >>
Hmmm. I'm a little worried that Amber may be foaming at the mouth by now...
There are two more regional groups associated with this list that I know of: (next meeting in Greenwich on
26th May)
(also used for Oxford and other places not too far from London) (meeting in Boston on 12th May
the last time I looked)
(obviously covers Boston and probably Washington areas as well)
Mecki was trying to set up something similar in Germany, but I'm not sure if
that's got off the ground.
If anyone else has, or wants to, set up other regional meeting groups,
please check out the Regional Meetings database in our Database section to
see who is on your doorstep. By the same token, people interested in
meeting up with other HP nutters should consider entering their details
there for all to see:
It's a good idea for one or two willing people to offer themselves as off
list contacts to get an idea of the feasibility of local meetings, before
setting up a list. Although it's understandable that people will want to
post flyers here initially, for maximum capture, don't forget the
Announcements list for
letting people know if you've set up a new list. Please use OT Chatter rather than the main list if
you want an online forum in the early planning stages.
BTW, I know many of you aren't members of Announcements, but don't forget
that you have the option to join that on webview only and check it, say once
a week or once a month.
Organisers of regional meetings could add details of events to the Calendar
on the main list, so that other members can see what's happening. If people
are visiting your area from outside, it would be great for them to know if
some HPfGU members are meeting up while they are there:
Rather than rely on Yahoo Groups' search facility, I guess we could set up a
separate file of URLs for any regional meeting groups in our Files section,
so that people can see them all in one place. That could be plugged from
time to time by the Moderators (mainly on Announcements, but occasionally
here). Watch this space.
If you have any other ideas on regional meetings for this club or want
advice on setting up a sublist, please e-mail Hexquarters at
hpforgrownups-owner at
Moderator Team
Flying Ford Anglia
Mechanimagus Moderator
"The cat's ginger fur was thick and fluffy, but it was definitely
a bit bow-legged and its face looked grumpy and oddly
squashed, as though it had run headlong into a brick wall"
["The Leaky Cauldron", PoA]
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