Gallery Submission Guidelines - at last!

Gwen gwendolyngrace at
Fri Jun 6 20:09:47 UTC 2003

Please distribute this as well to any artists you know
who may be interested in submitting artwork for
consideration in the Nimbus - 2003 gallery.

The Art Gallery is meant to foster understanding about
the literary themes and moods created in the Harry
Potter books, as well as the mythological, historical
and fantastical elements that have found their way
into the Potter-verse. As such, the Art Gallery is a
significant educational feature of the Symposium and
contributes to the atmosphere of the Nimbus  2003 by
displaying original works of art that are inspired by
genres including but not limited to fantasy, folklore,
history, and book illustration.

The Nimbus  2003 Gallery seeks:

-	Any professional artwork featuring fantasy or
historical themes not connected to the Harry Potter
books or films, for display, sale, or auction.

-	Any professional artwork featuring Harry Potter
characters that was legally obtained and is legally
released by the owner for sale or auction.

-	Original artwork by amateurs featuring fantasy or
historical themes which are not solely derived from
the Harry Potter books or films, and which are
available for display, sale, or auction.

-	Original artwork featuring characters, creatures,
places and things which do not directly represent
characters, creatures, places, things and situations
found solely in the Harry Potter novels or movies, and
that are legally available for display, sale, or

-       Reproductions (prints, silkscreens, etc.) or
artwork by amateurs of professionals featuring themes
that relate to, but do not directly represent,
characters and situations found in the Harry Potter
novels and that are legally available for display,
sale, or auction. 

-	Private collections for display.

-	Sculpture or other media as it relates to 1-4 above.

All Nimbus  2003 artwork applications and submissions
must be received for consideration by the Art Gallery
Committee before July 1, 2003 (see Application

(See Application Procedures).

The Nimbus  2003 Gallery reserves the right to

-	Artwork that may infringe on existing trademark or

-	Artwork that is not legally available for display,
sale, or auction.

-	Artwork that does not belong to the person
submitting it.

-	Artwork that depicts pornographic or graphically
violent situations. (NC-17)

-	Artwork that is submitted anonymously or that is
otherwise untraceable.

Gallery Hours and Judging*:

The Gallery shall be open the following hours:
Thursday, July 17: 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday, July 18: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Saturday, July 19: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Sunday, July 20: 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. (for pickup only)

At 9 p.m. on Saturday, July 19, the gallery will close
for judging. Winners will be announced in between the
Double Feature movie screenings at approximately
midnight. In addition, those terms that receive more
than 3 bids for auction will be held for the live
auction on Sunday morning. terms that do not have more
than 3 bids can be paid for Sunday and the winning
bidders may either take the items or arrange for
Nimbus  2003 to ship them.

Ribbons will be awarded for the following:

Professional Category
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Amateur Category
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Junior Category
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

In addition to the above, special ribbons will be
awarded to the best artworks for the following:

Best in Show
Most Novel
Most Magical
Best Genre Art
Most Dramatic
Best Non-Fantasy
Peoples Choice
Honorable Mentions

Shipping and Storage:

Accepted applicants who have paid their hanging fees
(see below) as applicable may ship their artwork to:

Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin
Nimbus  2003 Symposium
C/o Julie Marton
1200 Epcot Resorts Boulevard
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830

If donating to the auction please write ATTN: Art
Auction on mailing label.

If sending art for exhibit/sale write ATTN: Art
Exhibit on mailing label.

Nimbus  2003 can receive shipped artwork at the Walt
Disney World Swan and Dolphin between Friday, July 11
and Wednesday, July 16 only.

Important! Please ship all artwork UPS! DO NOT ship
artworks framed with glass. Be advised that if your
non-donated artwork does not sell, Nimbus  2003 will
return the piece(s) to you in the packaging in which
it arrived.

Nimbus  2003 will return any non-donated items that
are not sold during the event. Please enclose a check
for the original shipping amount, plus a $4.00
hotel-handling fee per package. If your artwork is
sold the check will be returned to you.

Hanging Options and Fees

Participants wishing to show their work at the Nimbus
 2003 gallery have these options:

1.	Display only. The artwork is submitted solely for
the purpose of display, is labeled "Not For Sale" and
will be returned to the contributor at the end of the

2.	For Sale-Fixed Price. The artwork is submitted for
legal sale only at the fixed price set by the
contributor.  Nimbus  2003 will collect a 10% sales
commission that will be deducted from this fixed
price. For example, if an artist wants to earn $200
from the sale of an artwork, that artist needs to
price the artwork at $222-$225 since HPEF, Inc. will
receive a 10% commission by selling the piece.

3.	Donation to Charity Auction. The artwork is donated
to HPEF, Inc. (Nimbus  2003s parent organization)
for charitable auction. Contributors may suggest a
minimum bid. Nimbus  2003 will share the proceeds of
this auction with BookAid International, a literacy
charity that supplies thousands of books to countries
in need.


Hanging/Display Fees-ALL submissions with the
exception of items under 3 above shall be subject to a
hanging or display fee of $5 per one side of a four
foot square (4x4) section of display panel or 4
section of table. Contributors who reserve 3 or more
4 display units will receive a $2.50 discount from
their total display fee.

Commissions: HPEF, Inc. shall collect 10% commissions
on any sales made through option number 2. Commission
sales are taxable as income.

Participants wishing to donate artwork to the HPEF,
Inc. and BookAid International Charity Auction may
assess the worth of their donations and will be given
a receipt for the total donation. Contributors may be
eligible for tax deduction based on the amount of
charitable donation. The donation amount is not
affected by final sale at auction.

The Ministry of Magic thanks you for your interest in
the Nimbus  2003 Art Gallery and Charity Auction
program. If you have any questions or need to make
special arrangements please e-mail your questions to
gallery at ....

*Gallery location and hours subject to change.

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