Application Procedures for Gallery and Auction
gwendolyngrace at
Fri Jun 6 20:30:38 UTC 2003
Nimbus 2003 Art Gallery and Auction
Application Procedures
These procedures apply to any artist, art collector,
or auction donor that is interested in displaying
their art or auction items in the Nimbus 2003
Gallery Exhibition. The Nimbus 2003 Art Gallery will
display items that are artwork for sale, not-for-sale
artwork, and charity auction items and artwork that
convention goers can examine prior to participating in
the silent and live auctions.
Step 1:
Immediately, but not later than July 1, 2003, submit a
jpg or gif of all of the pieces you wish to exhibit as
separate e-mail attachments to gallery at ....
Please specify the artist, title, media and size of
the piece, and whether it is for exhibition or auction
in the body of the e-mail.
A cursory review process is necessary because, Nimbus
2003 is committed to ensuring that none of the
saleable artwork that is exhibited violates any of the
terms outlined in the Gallery Submissions Guidelines.
Do not be offended if one of your pieces is refused.
Step 2:
Wait until you receive confirmation on all of your
pieces on whether they were accepted or refused. If
you do not receive confirmation on all of your pieces
at around the same time please notify Julie at
seventhsqueal at ....
Step 3:
Once you have received confirmation, hit reply and
respond to the application questions that pertain to
your submissions. One set of questions will be for the
Art Exhibition; the other set of questions is for
Auction donations. Hit "send" and your application
form is complete. You will receive an application form
confirmation notice by return e-mail. Skip to Step 5
if you are donating to the Auction.
Step 4:
table exhibit space. Your exhibit space can be
reserved one of two ways:
A. Go to and click
the link to pay via PayPal. PayPal transactions are
subject to a $0.75 surcharge; please add $0.75 to your
B. Mail a check with "Art Gallery Reservation" under
Memo to:
Harry Potter Symposium 2003
P.O. Box 18769
Rochester, NY 14618-0769
Once we have received your payment, you will receive a
confirmation of your space. Space will be allocated on
a "first come, first served" basis for accepted
Step 5:
A: If you are mailing in your art, prepare your
artwork for shipping U.P.S. Make sure you are not
sending an item framed with glass. Exhibitors, be
advised that if your work does not sell Nimbus 2003
will return the piece to you in the packaging in which
it arrived. Make sure your packaging is sturdy and the
art is well protected. Nimbus - 2003 will return any
non-donated item(s) that are not sold during the
event. Please enclose a check for the original
shipping amount, plus a $4.00 hotel-handling fee per
package. If your artwork is sold the check will be
returned to you when we issue a check for the sale of
your piece.
If donating to the auction please write attn: Art
Auction on mailing label.
If sending art for exhibit/sale write attn: Art
Exhibit on mailing label.
Estimate your ship date keeping in mind that Nimbus -
2003 can receive shipped art work at the Walt Disney
World Swan and Dolphin between Friday, July 11 and
Wednesday, July 16 only.
Ship all artwork and donations to:
Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin
Nimbus - 2003
Julie Marton
1200 Epcot Resorts Boulevard
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
B: If you are bringing your art or donation to the
Symposium you can drop it off at the Swan's Osprey
Ballroom when you arrive. Your spot will be reserved
for you. An art gallery assistant will install it for
6. Artists that did not make arrangements to have
their unsold artwork shipped to them after the
convention can pick up their artwork at the gallery on
Sunday, July 20 from 8 a.m to 11 a.m. Nimbus 2003
cannot be held responsible for abandoned artwork. If
you cannot pick up your artwork please make shipping
arrangements with a member of the Art Gallery
Bring Your Own Broom to Nimbus - 2003!
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