Nimbus - 2003 Deadlines for May 15

Gwen gwendolyngrace at
Mon May 12 20:08:38 UTC 2003

This is a reminder that our Art Contest and the
current Registration Rate ($149.75) both have
*deadlines* on May 15. If you want to register at the
current rate, you *must* do so and pay via credit card
or PayPal in the next 3 days.

To register go here:

Here's a forwarded announcement about the Art Contest:

Nimbus - 2003 T-shirt and Program Cover Art Contest

Nimbus - 2003, the first every Harry Potter inspired
symposium and fan convention, invites all artists who
are fans of the 
series to enter art for consideration for the
Symposium's official T-
shirt and Program Cover art.

For more information about Nimbus - 2003 visit:

For specific contest guidelines visit:

Just scroll down to the "April 10, 2003 Official
Artwork Contest" 
entry for full details on art specs. 

One extra important detail on art specifications is
that we ask all 
artists to notice that the name of the event "Nimbus -
2003" must 
contain the dash for copyright purposes.

Good luck! The Nimbus - 2003 Ministry of Magic looks
forward to being 
amazed by your creations.

More Nimbus - 2003 announcements coming soon... only 8
1/2 weeks to go!

Bring Your Own Broom to Nimbus - 2003!

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