ADMIN: Announcing HPFGU-Feedback List
Hebby Elf
hebrideanblack at
Fri Nov 21 01:14:36 UTC 2003
Hello, Fellow Listmembers!
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We have a long-standing rule in HPFGU of not discussing list policy
on the public lists. We've asked this of our members for a variety
of reasons, and the lack of onlist policy debates has been
appreciated by many members. However, we have also had feedback from
some of you that you would like, at times, to be able to discuss
list policy in an open forum, rather than simply sending messages to
the -Owner address. The List Admin Team has also found the current
system to be less than satisfactory, so we have come up with a new
way for list members and list admnistration to come together and
discuss matters of list policy in a friendly and constructive manner.
We have created a new list, called HPFGU-Feedback. It is a forum for
members of the HPFGU lists to comment, question, suggest, and
discuss matters of list administration with each other and members
of the List Admin Team.
As this is a totally new feedback system, we are going to run it for
a one-month trial period, from 20 November, to 19 December,
2003. To join, please go to .
If you wish to participate, please make sure to read the messages
that are sent to your e-mail address upon subscribing to the list,
as all members are required to send an acknowledgement that they
have read, and agree to follow, the list's Ground Rules before
taking part in discussion.
We look forward to hearing what you have to say!
Hebby Elf
For the List Admin Team
More information about the HPFGU-Announcements