Lumos Dissendium Site Updates - 11/20/03

Elia Sheldon eliasheldon at
Fri Nov 21 04:12:30 UTC 2003

Greetings all,
X-Original-Yahoo-Groups-Redacted-From: Elia Sheldon <eliasheldon at ...>
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Lumos Dissendium was updated today.

Visit the site at:

Lumos Dissendium is FictionAlley's section for tips
and tricks on writing and other fandom activity. It's
a good place to start for the new member of fandom -
and also a good place to visit occasionally, in order
to make sure you're still in the loop!

Here are the changes to the site:

1. Added new column, "The Grammar Maven" by March

The Grammar Maven's goal is to help her readers use
the English language correctly.  In this column, she
will be posting her thoughts about the state of the
English language in fanfic, and what can be done to
improve it.  Her column will focus around topics such

 - how to make your conjuctions function
 - expressing yourself in a way that would make your
English teacher proud
 - nitpicky grammar points that will make you look
really smart if you don't miss them
 - how to avoid embarassing mistakes in word usage

This column is a must-read for fanfic writers and beta
readers alike.

2. Updated list of contributors at the bottom of the
main page, and removed the query for a Grammar Maven. 
We found one!

Enjoy the updated site, and stay tuned for more.

On behalf of Lumos Dissendium

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