HP conference

Lana Whited lwhited at ...
Wed Oct 29 15:03:41 UTC 2003

"Magic for Muggles:  A Harry Potter Experience" will take place at 
Ferrum College in Ferrum, Va., on Nov. 1, 2003.  Speakers include some 
contributors to Lana Whited's book "The Ivory Tower and Harry Potter," 
including Dr. Whited.  The conference will feature three tracks:  
pre-Hogwarts (under 11), Hogwarts (11-18), and Hogwarts alumni (over 
18).  For more information call 540-365-4202 or visit 
http://www.ferrum.edu/lwhited/hp .  There is a small fee for 
participation, and pre-registration is recommended.

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