Important information from HPEF, Inc.
gwendolyngrace at
Thu Oct 30 19:14:28 UTC 2003
Hi, all!
Theres been much discussion in the past few weeks
about whos doing what concerning Harry Potter
Conventions. Wed like to clarify some things, remind
you of some changes, and announce some new contact
information, and then well be clearing off to our own
So, Parte the Firste: In case there is still any
confusion, wed like to clarify that HP Education
Fanon Inc., the group that brought you Nimbus 2003,
is not the same thing as HPFGU. Its confusing due to
the timing of HPEFs creation, and because HPFGU was
one of our sponsors for the event. But HPEF is an
independent 501(c)3 educational organization.
The current administration of HPEF looks like this:
Peg Kerr* (President)
Lee Hillman (Vice President, Chair, Communications
Leeanna Izuel (Secretary)
Carlisle Webber* (Asst. Secretary)
Penny Linsenmayer (Treasurer)
Barb Purdom* (Chair, Nominating Committee)
Debbie Duncan (Chair, Legal Committee)
Rob Ihinger*
Steve VanderArk*
Heidi Tandy
John Walton (Board member ex-officio)
* denotes a voting member.
Parte the Second: We posted this a few weeks ago to
HPFGU-Convention, but heres a reminder:
HPEF, Inc. is pleased to announce the commencement of
a new Yahoo Group community entitled: "HPEF-Events."
This group will be used to discuss and plan events
planned by our organization, HP Education Fanon, Inc.
The HPFGU-Convention list served us well through the
planning of the Nimbus - 2003 Symposium, which was
recently held in Orlando, Florida. However, since as a
practical matter that list is owned and maintained by
the Harry Potter for Grownups group, we decided to
continue from this point forward with our own group
for the discussion of any and all HPEF events. To
join, go to
and follow the instructions.
If the HPFGU administration is willing, HPEF events
will *also* be discussed on the HPFGU-Convention
listserve as appropriate, but official definitive
announcements about upcoming HPEF events will appear
*first* on our own group.
This also means that all lingering questions about
Nimbus 2003, as well as all questions about upcoming
events in 2005 and beyond, should be sent either to
HPEF-Events or directly to the Board. Well still keep
an eye on things here, and redirect people to the HPEF
group when necessary.
Speaking of the Board,
Parte the Third:
If youd like to contact the Board directly, we have a
new email address:
Which also complements
Parte the Fourth:
We let slip recently that our corporate address has
also changed. It is now:
HP Education Fanon, Inc.
c/o Bryce Linsenmayer
Haynes & Boone, L.L.P.
1000 Louisiana, Suite 4300
Houston, TX 77002
We now return you to your regularly scheduled list.
Gwendolyn Grace
Chair, Communications Committee
HP Education Fanon, Inc.
More information about the HPFGU-Announcements