Through The Barrier (HP Forums)

Hermione hermione.granger at
Mon Feb 2 03:07:39 UTC 2004

Through The Barrier is a Harry Potter Forum community, a place where 
Harry Potter fans can gather and discuss anything and everything HP-
related. All are welcome, from newbie fans to hardcore obsessors. 
TTB is suitable for all ages, though we do have some specially-
accessible "Overage Wizards" Forums.

The idea for Through The Barrier actually happened quite by 
accident. It started as a joke actually and before we could blink, 
just snowballed from there. "Why another HP Board?" you might ask. 
We are aware that there are a lot of HP boards out there and several 
are of excellent quality. Each of us has a different reason for 
starting and joining this project. In the end we've found the whole 
thing to be a lot of fun and that's the biggest reason of all.

Nothing complex is required to join in the TTB fun. If you have a 
computer, can type and click on things, you'll have no problems. :)

Visit us here:

Hope to see you soon!

Hermione Granger
TTB Deputy Headmistress

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