Nifty New Features on FictionAlley

heiditandy heidilist at
Mon Feb 2 18:08:45 UTC 2004

As FictionAlley begins the transition to our new fanfic archiving 
database system, we've done some "winter cleaning" on the site 

We're pleased to announce a new batch of Nifflers 
?s=&forumid=106) and debut the LiveJournal where all Niffler 
recommendations are posted 

We've also added a site map 
(, new icons 
( and even images from the 
cover that you can use on your cellphone 

In ArtisticAlley, we've expanded the mission of the site to 
incorporate fanflicks, vids, comic strip and sequential art, and a 
lot of other things. You can visit STYLINGS at

Within the next two days, our updated chatroom (with voice 
capabilities) will be live at and 
registered users can even sign up to host chats 

We hope all these new additions to the FA community will make for a 
more fascinating online life, with great discussions and art - and a 
little frivolity thrown in for good measure. 

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