Harry Potter Filks: Musicals Galore, and Abe's Babes

Caius Marcius coriolan at coriolan_cmc2001.yahoo.invalid
Mon Mar 8 03:38:24 UTC 2004

Harry Potter Filks was update today with 86 new filks, including two 
new full-length musicals: RJ Lupin's Harry, a PoA musical based on 
Annie, and A Vast-LEPHT Wing Conspiracy, my first fanfic musical for 
HP villains only, based on A Chorus Line. We also have three musicals-
in-progress: Star Opal's That Scar With Feeling, to Buffy's Once More 
With Feeling; Gail's CoS version of Moulin Rouge, and my Sondheim CoS 
musical, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Chamber.

We also have a new page celebrating the achievements of Aberforth 
Dumbledore, complete with a Red Scharlach illustration, titled Abe's 
Babes (thanks to Amy Z for the title). Drop by and spend a little 
time grazing with us!

   - CMC


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