The Witching Hour's Site Launch

Heidi Tandy heidilist at
Mon Mar 8 16:33:36 UTC 2004

On March 8, 2004, The Witching Hour (the next official event from HP
Education Fanon, Inc., who brought you Nimbus - 2003) officially threw 
open the oak doors, found the old Sorting Hat and
declared the school year begun. Head on over to to find information ranging from travel
and hotel arrangments to a brief and overview of Salem itself. Make
sure you check out the Merchandise and Downloads sections for links
to the official Witching Hour Store and fun icons, avatars and
wallpaper images.


The Witching Hour also has already confirmed the attendance at the
symposium of three special guests.  New York Times bestselling
author Holly Black will be presenting as part of two panels, one on
writing and one on treatments of morality in young adult fantasy
literature.  Noted academic, including of the fandom phenonmenon,
Henry Jenkins, a professor at the Massaschusetts Institute of
Technology, will be presenting a keynote luncheon on Harry Potter
and the Media.  Finally, New York University's Tisch Film School
professor and published author Vicky Dann will join us for a panel
discussing the evolution of female characters in fantasy genres.  We
expect to add names to this list as more special guests confirm
their attendance.

Check the Special Guests page on the website for more information on
these and future special guests at The Witching Hour.


The Witching Hour is also happy to announce sponsored Line Parties
and Events for the opening of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of

The Witching Hour is organizing and sponsoring line parties - in
other words, groups of friends and strangers who share a fascination
with Harry Potter and wish to get together in the line for the
movie. If you are interested in hosting or co-hosting such a line
party, please contact Dionne Williford, our Chair of Public
Relations and Marketing, at dionne at ....

Or simply check our Pre-events page at the website for updates and
contact details for cities in your area.


For more Witching Hour Information, please see the website, or if
you have furthur questions, please email help at ... or
visit the Witching Hour Helpdesk Yahoogroup at wh_helpdesk.

Heidi for TWH

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