New Openings at Haunted Chambers HP RPG run by Adults

shanti_50130 seuferer at
Sat Apr 2 07:53:26 UTC 2005

Haunted Chambers, a Harry Potter Roleplaying game run by adults, has
several new openings and opportunities for mature players! We are a
message-board style game with forums in the Mauraders era, Harry
Potter years 1-5, and Harry Potter year 6. Our characters are welcome
to 'bounce around' in time (except in year 6 which we are keeping
chronological) to go back and develop relationships or histories with
each other when new people come on board.

Our average age of player is in the mid-20's, our 'wisest' player is
52, and youngest is 15. We have a good maturity level in our game and
good quality players, without being so rigid on
grammar/punctuation/length of post requirements as to be 

We do welcome well-thought-out original characters as well, but the
canons are a particular need to 'move ahead' with plot-things. This
list is by no means all-inclusive, we have many lesser canon
characters open that could certainly be developed into more
prominence, but these are simply our greatest area of need at 

If more than one person applies for a character, we will evaluate the
applications and choose the best one based on knowledge and
understanding of the character, quality of the role-playing sample,
and the availability of the players to actually play their 

Most of our players check in on the board off and on through out the
day on most days. If you are only able to play a few times a week or
less, please consider applying for a less prominent character. We
would like our 'major' characters to be able to post an average of
once a day or better whenever possible.

The list:

Minerva McGonagall
Peter Pettigrew (needed for both HP year 6 things and also Maurader
Era threads)
Draco Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
Nymphadora Tonks
Luna Lovegood
Kingsley Shacklebolt
Crabbe and Goyle JR and SR to toady to the Malfoys JR and Sr. I would
let one person play these characters in pairs, and even run the
fathers and sons, though it would probably be more fun for the player
to only run two at the most.

We also need someone to come and 'Run' for Minister of Magic. JKR has
told us that Fudge will not be Minister of Magic anymore sometime in
book 6, but we do not know how this comes about. For the purposes of
our game, we are going to have Fudge lose an election sometime in
October or so, 'game' time. We would welcome either an Original
Character or a Canon character that makes sense to be in that role,
like Amelia Bones or Mathilda Goshawk to be developed into the new
Minister. This individual can have any loyalties he or she
chooses--Dumbledore, Voldemort, or his/her own Political gains
regardless of the machinations of war.

We are a fun and easy-going batch of people to play with. We welcome
new ideas and love pro-active players who aren't afraid to jump in 
and start threads and develop their characters, build relationships, 
all that fun stuff.

At this time we are still in 'summer' of Harry Potter year 6, so 
thereis plenty of time to get involved in the mayhem and excitement 
that will begin to blossom in the upcoming war, regardless of what 
side you wish to 'support'.

The main website can be found here:

You will find the initial joining application and character
application on the Rules board.

Any questions should be directed to the administration team here:
Haunted_chambers at ...

We look forward to hearing from you!

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