Temporary halt to submissions
heidi at heiditandy.yahoo.invalid
Wed Nov 23 18:21:31 UTC 2005
Hi all! We're about to go live with our lovely new fanfic intake and
search system, so we have to close submissions for up to 70 hours. We
are closing to new fics at about midnight tonight, Central US time
(that's 12 hours from when I send this email), and the brand new
search engine, which will allow searches by rating, length, ship,
characters, summary, author name, genre, etc., will go live this
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them on our FAWA
Yahoogroup or in Suggestions & Questions at
Thanks for everything, and we can't wait to show you the new system!
Heidi, giving thanks to the techies and coding team
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