Announcement: HPEF Final Call for 2009 Bids

Gwen gwendolyngrace at
Tue Aug 29 19:29:40 UTC 2006

HP Education Fanon, Inc., the educational non-profit
organization behind Nimbus - 2003, The Witching Hour,
Lumos, and the upcoming Prophecy 2007, has received a
bid for a 2009 event in San Jose. (Individuals
interested in volunteering to join this bid team may
contact Craige Howlett: craige.howlett @, no

In accordance with our policies, we are issuing a
Final Call for Alternative Bids. Anyone who is
interested in putting together a bid for 2009 must
contact HP Education Fanon as soon as possible
(hpeducationfanon @ Completed bids must be
received by September 30, approximately 5 weeks from
now, in order to be considered.

The bidding period for 2008 is also still open. The
drop-dead deadline for 2008 events is January 1, 2007.

Please distribute this announcement to any who might
be interested in proposing an event for HP Education
Fanon, Inc.

More information about our bidding process and the
structure of HP Education Fanon events is available at
our website:

Thank you!

HP Education Fanon, Inc.
Board of Directors

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