Link: (evolving) evidence-based fan synopsis of book 7!

cassyvablatsky emmaejones at
Thu Jan 11 19:30:32 UTC 2007

Hello everyone,

(Forgive the shameless self-promotion!) just thought the following
site might be of interest:

It's written as a blog due to the rather experimental nature of the
content: my humble attempt to divine the synopsis of Book 7 based on
omens and portents in the earlier books, teasers from JKR and
discussions within the fandom as a whole. 

For fellow Potterites, I hope that my ramblings will be of interest,
beyond the pleasures of fan fiction, as an invitation to explore some
of the septology riddles from an unusual angle.

Please do check it out and let me know what you think - it's written
with discussion in mind and I'd really value some expert opinions!

Cassandra Vablatsky (alias)

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