{groups} [HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: Heidi's comments

Paul Kippes paul-groups at wibbles.org
Sat Aug 7 21:00:51 UTC 2004

My mistake.

Something like the following, but switchable between clubs and groups?
 I'll probably just make this script take starting and ending numbers
and generate a file that can be loaded into Excel.  Would that be a
problem--requiring that the summary.php output must be saved for

On Sat, 7 Aug 2004 15:53:51 -0500, Paul Kippes <kippesp at gmail.com> wrote:
> Either Kelley or Dicy have the summaries.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: a_reader2003 <carolynwhite2 at aol.com>
> Date: Sat, 07 Aug 2004 18:20:11 -0000
> Subject: {groups} [HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: Heidi's comments
> To: hpfgu-catalogue at yahoogroups.com
> --- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, "Kelley"
> <kelleythompson at g...> wrote:
> > From Heidi; her comments are in quotes, my own to you all are in
> > brackets:
> >
> > Heidi:
> > "Yahoo's t&c is irrelevant for the content of the posts; we cannot
> > replicate the interface of yahoomort, though.
> >
> > Club posts - there was no implied or express permission, so those
> > can't be used without permission *unless* the club member was a
> > yahoogroup member on or after September 30, 2000 (maybe the 15th -
> > not sure when the faq project was announced but I know it was
> within
> > that month). Post Sept 30 (or 15) all posts are usable, except for
> > that little bit from may-or-june of 2003 until the tou was
> remedied.
> > Posts made then can be used if the listie was still on the list in
> > jan 2004, when the revised terms were put into place."
> Carolyn:
> GROUP 1 POSTS TO CHECK (early Club)
> The FAQ project was first announced to the members in Club post 5657
> (Aug 3rd 2000), and again on Aug 10th 2000 (6540).
> Post 69 (Aug 25th 2000) in the main group (you found this one too
> Kelley), seems to me a very clear statement (including legal stuff)
> that Club archives were to be indexed in some way.
> Message 1025 (Sep 5th 2000) does mention it all again, but not so
> clearly
> Posts 1st May 03- 1st Jan 04 run through from 56539-87884.
> > Kelley:
> > I can go through the membership records to determine people's join
> > and leave dates; what's the easiest way for me to find which of the
> > first 8800 or so messages are being used for the catalogue?
> Carolyn:
> Paul is there some way you provide an auto summary of the Club posts
> 1-7815, plus posts on the main group 1-1025, showing if they have
> been rejected or not? There is such a high reject rate on the early
> posts, that I am hoping we will have to check the authorship
> of 'only' about 2600 - I guess we could quickly re-order them by
> author, to spot the frequent posters/well-known names that, for sure,
> were members of the subsequent group after Sept 5th, leaving only
> relatively few to check more carefully.
> Note - see my recent reply to David on how posts might be used in the
> final catalogue. There is some discussion about giving members access
> to the movie, OT and fan-fic sections of the reject list. If we did,
> we would have to do more checking, according to these guidelines that
> Heidi has given us.
> > Heidi:
> > "Legally, it will make no difference if the catalogue is
> inacessable
> > or accessable, but I suggest it not be google-able or otherwise
> robot-
> > able. 'Socially', though people might be pissed if their real name
> > was on the post, and that was publicly accessable + googleable. If
> > the names of the posters aren't anywhere but within the yahoogroup,
> > it's no problem at all."
> >
> > [Kelley: So, long as it's not publicly accessible, shouldn't be any
> > problem. Re "real name" being on the post somewhere, I'm thinking
> > that since it was apparently okay with folks to have this info go
> to
> > the list in the first place, and again, as long as the Catalogue
> > isn't 'public', we shouldn't have too many problems here, either.]
> >
> Carolyn:
> There was never any intent to make the catalogue public on the net,
> so this seems not a problem to comply with.
> > Heidi:
> > "If a post has been deleted, or if a member whose post was posted
> > during the 'no permission' times in 99-2000 and 2003, the post
> > content cannot be used anonymously, but the facts contained in it
> > (ie "This post is about Snape and his loff for Lily") can be. But
> the
> > post itself can't be in any database.
> >
> > Same with the content quoted in another's post; it has to be
> removed
> > or summarized without using the original words. Per copyright, the
> > subject line, post number and author names do not have to be used,
> > but equal numbers might get upset if their names are used, or
> aren't.
> Carolyn:
> Paul, would you be able to identify which posts have been deleted, so
> we can watch out for their content appearing in other posts, in
> addition to the other two groups of posts we have to look for?
> I think that what we have to end up with is a long list
> of 'forbidden' posts, which have to be avoided because:
> (a) they have already been selected for inclusion, BUT they do not
> seem to be part of the new Egroups after Sep 5th 2000, and can no
> longer be contacted for permission to use
> (b) they joined AND left between 1st May 2003-1st Jan 2004
> (c) the post has been deleted
> (d) posts which quote deleted posts (we will have to go back to the
> Yahoo group to track threads for this I think??)
> Is this a fair summary of what will be the 'problem' posts to watch
> out for?
> Heidi:
> > There is nothing preventing highlighting relevant parts of posts."
> Carolyn:
> This is good to know. It means we can devise some system for dealing
> with all of CatLady's portmanteau postings.
> All in all, I found this advice very encouraging. I think there will
> be relatively few posts which are a real pity to lose, once we have
> worked it all out carefully. And its great to be able to use the full
> text, rather than links as we originally thought we might have to.
> Carolyn
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