Proposed changes to reject categories - pl. comment
boyd.t.smythe at
Thu Jul 29 13:47:06 UTC 2004
> Carolyn wrote:
> Harry has 364 posts
> Snape has 277 posts
> DD has 186 posts
> Sirius has 122 posts
> It would be more helpful to users of the catalogue to break them up
> into sub-categories. Is it too early to start thinking about this,
> should it be done on second review?
It's not that bad, really, because many of these have checked the
character and another box or two that, taken together, identify the
real subject of discussion. For example, one post might have two
checks: Snape and the Dark Mark. As long as we can search the finished
product by multiple categories, any user who wants to look up posts on
Snape's Dark Mark will find that one.
This does call into question whether we have all of the appropriate
subcategories listed *somewhere*, though.
> Erm, well other people can select FP FILKs if they like, but refuse
> point blank to even review them myself. Didn't we decide that Caius'
> site did the job for us?
Not much of a FILKer myself. (Of course, now that I've said it the
demon of irony has probably plotted a course for me through
neverending FILKs in my next allocation.) But if Caius does these
well, and most make no new canon points, then why isn't FILK a reject
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