Codes for abused kids (was Re: Can this be real? etc)

a_reader2003 carolynwhite2 at
Fri Jun 18 12:52:15 UTC 2004

--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at, Barry Arrowsmith 
<arrowsmithbt at b...> wrote:
> >
> >  Carolyn:
> >  Twit - I didn't mean to imply that I assumed that Snape was in 
the wrong. Clearly the nutters are getting to you. > >
> Ah. No, annemehr sussed out the point I was trying to make - that 
> having a catch-all abuse/maltreatment category would/could save 
having to create further similar categories for Elves, Muggles, 
whatever at a later date.
> Anyway, Snape is damn near perfect as a teacher - keeps the little 
sods in line.

Oh, ok - the nutters were clearly getting to me instead (wouldn't be 
the first time). Sorry!

On the basis of this, I've spent quite a bit of time sorting out 
categories this morning, dull details to appear in Sunday update. Key 
aspects relevant to this discussion are: (Child abuse/mistreatment) added under 1.1.6 (Parenting & 
child development)

3.16.5 has been renamed (Teachers) and now has three sub-categories, 
one of which is (Teaching Methods)

I have also re-worded to read (Prefects & Head boy & girl) - 
it used to have 'Discipline system' in the title, and I thought that 
might be confusing with 'Teaching methods'.

Other than this, quite a lot of the Hogwart's categories have been 
fiddled with - could everyone run their eye down the list and just 
take a look?

Finally, on the issue of having a general 'abuse/mistreatment' code, 
I am a bit concerned it might overlap or get confused with 3.2.6 
(Class system, racism & bigotry). Is there some way we could add to 
or amend 3.2.6 to suit this need if it is not deemed sufficient at 
the moment?

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