[HPFGU-Catalogue] Codes for abused kids (was Re: Can this be real? etc)
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Fri Jun 18 14:09:43 UTC 2004
> Carolyn:
> Oh, ok - the nutters were clearly getting to me instead (wouldn't be
> the first time). Sorry!
> On the basis of this, I've spent quite a bit of time sorting out
> categories this morning, dull details to appear in Sunday update. Key
> aspects relevant to this discussion are:
> (Child abuse/mistreatment) added under 1.1.6 (Parenting &
> child development)
> 3.16.5 has been renamed (Teachers) and now has three sub-categories,
> one of which is (Teaching Methods)
> I have also re-worded to read (Prefects & Head boy & girl) -
> it used to have 'Discipline system' in the title, and I thought that
> might be confusing with 'Teaching methods'.
> Other than this, quite a lot of the Hogwart's categories have been
> fiddled with - could everyone run their eye down the list and just
> take a look?
> Finally, on the issue of having a general 'abuse/mistreatment' code,
> I am a bit concerned it might overlap or get confused with 3.2.6
> (Class system, racism & bigotry). Is there some way we could add to
> or amend 3.2.6 to suit this need if it is not deemed sufficient at
> the moment?
...and now some smartarse has introduced the subject of Draco bullying
other pupils.
It might just be me, but mightn't it be useful to have a *few*
categories in there to cover certain concepts - say, bravery/courage,
abuse/maltreatment, trust/mistrust, that could fit into the
Meta-themes section? They crop up all over the place but aren't such an
enormous group that they need much sub-division.
The only excuse I can offer is that it's maybe the influence of a
secretary I once had who only used three of the slots in the filing
L - letters
M - memoranda
R - reports
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