Sorting out meta-themes (was Codes for abused kids)

a_reader2003 carolynwhite2 at
Fri Jun 18 14:59:17 UTC 2004

--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at, Barry Arrowsmith 
<arrowsmithbt at b...> wrote:

> ...and now some smartarse has introduced the subject of Draco 
bullying other pupils.
> It might just be me, but mightn't it be useful to have a *few* 
> categories in there to cover certain concepts - say, 
> abuse/maltreatment, trust/mistrust, that could fit into  the 
> Meta-themes section? They crop up all over the place but aren't 
such an enormous group  that they need much sub-division.


Proposed sort-out of meta-themes/comments please:

1.1.3 (Friendship, love & loyalty)
MOVE (Trust) to a sub-category here and RENAME 

1.1.4 (Equality & Fairness)
NEW sub-category: (Inequality, bullying & discrimination)

1.1.6 (Parenting & Child Development)
MOVE category 1.1.7 (Maturity/immaturity) to a sub-category here 
(will become 

1.1.7 (was Maturity/immaturity) RENAME (Bravery/courage)
ADD new sub-category (Cowardice)

This way, each of the meta themes gets its opposite as a sub-
category. That do you?

> The only excuse I can offer is that it's maybe the influence of a  
> secretary I once had who only used three of the slots in the filing 
> cabinet:
> L - letters
> M - memoranda
> R  - reports
> Barry

I'd have filed *her* under 0.10 (Mistakes/perpetrating mistakes); 
3.3.3 (Types of crime & punishment); and 5.3 (Just for a laugh), 
locked the cabinet and gone away for the weekend. The Snape approach, 
you know..they've got to learn.


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