Back now/Misc queries (Re: Away for a couple of days)

a_reader2003 carolynwhite2 at
Thu Jun 24 15:39:00 UTC 2004

--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at, Barry Arrowsmith 
<arrowsmithbt at b...> wrote:
> Are you back yet?
> I've finished my current batch, so if you'll assign another..... 
> I probably won't be able to do much with it until sometime next 

Hi, yes..back & trying to catch up quickly..

Would you like to take 4150-4500?

> A few observations about the last lot.
> Dunno about anyone else but I found myself frowning at the screen 
more than ever before. Not the posts per se, but the fact that so 
many didn't seem to fit comfortably into the categories.
> For example - we have Godric's Hollow as a geographical location, 
but to most posters it's used as shorthand for an *event*. Same goes 
for 'Shrieking Shack'. Eventually we'll get to posts where 'The 
Ministry' falls into the same category.

Godric's Hollow is supposed to be a geography code as it stands. I 
tend to put all the posts referring to what happened there 
under 'Death of Lily & James' in section 1, plus assorted other 
codes, depending.

Agree we should definitely have 'Shrieking Shack' category (and later 
MoM incident), but where should they go? There's an argument for 
having major plot incidents somewhere under 'plot development' or 
some such, but also possibly for having them located as sub-
categories within relevant book chapters. Thoughts please.

> There was a longish thread wondering where all the children of the 
> Hogsmeade inhabitants were. That went into Geography too, though 
it's not really what I think the category was intended for. Maybe I'm 
wrong; if so - hooray!

I think under Hogsmeade for now is fair enough, although possibly 
with side-codes to wizarding population estimates, or other schools, 
depending what they were on about.

> More shorthand - 'Dumbledore's gleam'  We all know exactly what is 
> being referred to, but it ain't easy deciding which categories to 

Agree tricky. I go for DD's agenda mostly, plus relevant chapters or 
characters, or types of magic if it seems to be on about old magic.

> A few others (mostly ephemerals) that made me shift in my seat:-
> Motivation
> Forgiveness
> Fear
> Rashness

I've been plaintively asking what to do with Peg Kerr-type stuff for 
weeks. Answer came there none. Quite happy to have more meta-themes 
if you want them ...make a suggestion.

> Plot hole - not quite the same as Flint, it was referring to 
Lupin's transformation when the moonlight hit him. (Nobody likes it. 
It's seen as a form of 'special pleading' to get round a weak spot in 
the plot.)

Won't plot development plus Lupin/lycanthropy codes do? Happy to add 
plot holes as a sub-section under plot development if you want 
something more specific.

> And a straight-forward one that got missed - Polyjuice Potion.

Carolyn: will do that now.
> Is it just me, or is anyone else having similar dilemmas?
> Barry

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