[HPFGU-Catalogue] Back now/Misc queries (Re: Away for a couple of days)

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Thu Jun 24 19:04:58 UTC 2004

>  Hi, yes..back & trying to catch up quickly..
>  Would you like to take 4150-4500?

No problem.

>  > A few observations about the last lot.
>  >
>  > Dunno about anyone else but I found myself frowning at the screen 
> more than ever before. Not the posts per se, but the fact that so  
> many didn't seem to fit comfortably into the categories.
>  >
>  > For example - we have Godric's Hollow as a geographical location,  
> but to most posters it's used as shorthand for an *event*. Same goes  
> for 'Shrieking Shack'. Eventually we'll get to posts where 'The
>  Ministry' falls into the same category.
>  Carolyn:
>  Godric's Hollow is supposed to be a geography code as it stands. I 
> tend to put all the posts referring to what happened there under 
> 'Death of Lily & James' in section 1, plus assorted other  codes, 
> depending.
>  Agree we should definitely have 'Shrieking Shack' category (and later 
>  MoM incident), but where should they go? There's an argument for  
> having major plot incidents somewhere under 'plot development' or
>  some such, but also possibly for having them located as sub- 
> categories within relevant book chapters. Thoughts please.

A sub-set of plot developments would be fine, IMO.
Why  not have 'DD's gleam' there as well?

>  > There was a longish thread wondering where all the children of the 
> Hogsmeade inhabitants were. That went into Geography too, though  it's 
> not really what I think the category was intended for. Maybe I'm  
> wrong; if so - hooray!
>  Carolyn:
>  I think under Hogsmeade for now is fair enough, although possibly  
> with side-codes to wizarding population estimates, or other schools,
>  depending what they were on about.

Yeah, well - posters were wondering why there seemed to be no kids 
native to Hogsmeade about the place;  and since there are no WW primary 
schools some of 'em got suspicious.

>  >
>  > A few others (mostly ephemerals) that made me shift in my seat:-
>  >
>  > Motivation
>  > Forgiveness
>  > Fear
>  > Rashness
>  Carolyn:
>  I've been plaintively asking what to do with Peg Kerr-type stuff for 
> weeks. Answer came there none. Quite happy to have more meta-themes if 
> you want them ...make a suggestion.

Meta-themes  seems best IMO. Rashness could go in with 
Immaturity/Maturity, I think, and maybe fear with Bravery?
Speaking of Peg - her latest didn't work very well - not easy to make 
'Sloth in the WW' really gripping.

>  > Plot hole - not quite the same as Flint, it was referring to 
> Lupin's transformation when the moonlight hit him. (Nobody likes it. 
> It's seen as a form of 'special pleading' to get round a weak spot in
>  the plot.)
>  Carolyn:
>  Won't plot development plus Lupin/lycanthropy codes do? Happy to add 
> plot holes as a sub-section under plot development if you want 
> something more specific.

Gawd, no. Only make categories that are unavoidable - that's my gut 
reaction, and the more I look at the list the more I'm convinced of it. 
But it's difficult to put yourself in the mind of an end-user (or it is 
for me). Just what phrases/words will they favour  when setting up a 
search? This is what I was getting at with Godric's Hollow. If they're 
looking for a thread to see who accompanied Voldy or if there was 
anybody else in the house, then GH would be their first choice. Can't 
be helped, I suppose; they'll just have to learn to use the index 

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