UPDATE & SUMMARY, Sunday 7th March

a_reader2003 carolynwhite2 at aol.com
Sun Mar 7 12:31:51 UTC 2004

Your project co-ordinator here, yet again. 

1. Subject list
We have taken an initial look, broadly accepted the structure, made 
some minor tweaks. Essentially, we can't tell until we begin to use 
it whether the topics work or not.

2. Reject categories
Still the same 9 categories, surprisingly (despite an attempt to bin 
Ivan). Maybe more will emerge when we try to use it.

3. Technical front

Currently waiting to hear from our techno-wizards as to what might be 
possible. CW has put up some sample designs for (a) cataloguing 
screens; (b) search screens.

Separately, there is an issue to raise with HPfGU admin about how the 
catalogue will be hosted in the longer term, although we can use Paul 
Kippes server temporarily to develop the project.

Whilst we are waiting for the tech stuff, I am going to put up a 
recent thread for us to have a go at coding. The one I propose is one 
we have all contributed to recently, which started off being 
called 'Cedric & Pettigrew' (I think), but has wandered off into many 
other directions in true HPfGU style.


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