UPDATE & SUMMARY, Sunday 7th March
arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Mon Mar 8 09:25:52 UTC 2004
--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, "a_reader2003" <carolynwhite2 at a...> wrote:
> Your project co-ordinator here, yet again.
> Currently waiting to hear from our techno-wizards as to what might be
> possible. CW has put up some sample designs for (a) cataloguing
> screens; (b) search screens.
> Whilst we are waiting for the tech stuff, I am going to put up a
> recent thread for us to have a go at coding. The one I propose is one
> we have all contributed to recently, which started off being
> called 'Cedric & Pettigrew' (I think), but has wandered off into many
> other directions in true HPfGU style.
Me being difficult again.
I downloaded the Suggested Search Screen file; OK for 6 pages but the
last page showing the Fudge search was a mess. The same thing happened
with your cataloguing screen example, which was why I may have seemed a
bit tentative. Judging by the lack of message traffic I'm probably the only
one afflicted.
I know (or think I do) exactly what has happened - during the translation
to an Apple -readable file, the settings have been stripped out. Instead
of a nice neat table I end up with 6 lines of text. Obviously I can shuffle
these around by copying to text edit and judicial use of the space bar
and entry key, but this will be one hell of a chore for a file when the table
is a multi-page document. And what happens when I post stuff back?
Will my settings be stripped out too, leaving you with a text file that
you will then have to reformat? Is there an easy way round this glitch?
Another point: Posters names that are to be entered into the table - are
these the site nom-de-plume, e.g. Kneasy, or the email identifier?
The latter can change over time and circumstances; I know that quite
a few posters have switched service providers away from Yahoo! (wise
folk). Additionally, my email identifier varies depending on how I submit
a post. It can be arrowsmithbt, BTArrowsmith or Barry Arrowsmith. This
probably happens with others too. I suggest (if you haven't already decided)
that the site ndp be used as poster ID. It seems to be more consistent over
Late breaking news: I see that Paul is suggesting the opposite; ah, well.
Sorry about being a member of the awkward squad - on a Monday morning
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