[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: Age Debates/Topic Summary
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Sat Nov 13 17:11:31 UTC 2004
> Can I remind people that you shouldn't be coding to the main code on
> predictions for any book, but should always make a decision about
> whether it is a canon/non-canon prediction and only use a sub-code.
> Having said that, Barry - this 'with canon/no canon' distinction
> under predictions was mostly put there after a broadside from you at
> some point - would you care to re-define what should go under what
> heading? I sometimes get confused myself. Ta.
Yeah. It's intended to distinguish between analysts/theorists and
I tend to think that working at it deserves more credit than a guess or
a hunch.
In fact, if you wanted to cut down on the categories why not just enter
only the predictions that are derived from analysis/theory?
In actual fact, that was the idea I was promoting when I first
contacted Admin; a list of "Prophecies" (posters predictions) that when
it was all over could be scored as "Golden Balls or "A Load of Balls."
The idea seems to have been expanded somewhat. Next time I'll keep my
mouth shut.
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