[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: Topic Summary catalogue question
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Sat Nov 13 17:35:06 UTC 2004
> And thinking of abandoning cataloguing for the weekend in favour of
> doing a lengthy response to Kneasy, who should be knighted (or
> otherwise engaged with a sword) for his efforts to restart
> discussion...
Good. About time.
It's more fun than cataloguing, let me tell you.
Why do you think I keep coming up with long posts every few days? It
gives me an excuse not to read another damn post listing favourite
characters, that's why.
Every couple of days I get the guilts and stagger through some more,
but more than 100 or so a week and I start to drool into my Pelican
bib as my neurones close down and my IQ crashes. I get ratty too; a
surfeit of past posts and the urge to indulge in a rant becomes
overwhelming. I can skip posts on the current board but not when
cataloguing. It's frustrating; I keep looking for the 'delete' button
to consign them to a well-earned oblivion. The poster too.
Courage Camille, this pain too must pass away.
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