Weasley ages/most speculation also now rubbish
kkearney at students.miami.edu
Mon Oct 4 23:46:33 UTC 2004
Carolyn wrote:
> I might go through the Weasley age controversy category and reject
> some posts that are already there as mistakes, based on this new info
> if no one minds.
I mind. :) I don't think we should reject anything that wasn't a
blatant mistake at the time the post was written. After all, the
majority of the plot theories proposed on the list have been or will
be eventually proven wrong. But they're what make this group what it
is (for me, at least; I love theories like MAGIC DISHWASHER and the
many ESEs not because I think they are accurate, but because they are
intelligent and entertaining to read).
Regarding the Weasley age debate, I think it's fun to read the various
theories developed to explain the little discrepancies. Even after
the interview where she "clarified" the ages, I had fun discussing
with a friend why JKR was "wrong".
Anyway, to sum up, I think that people will be interested in reading
all the theories presented on the list, regardless of their accuracy,
and therefore all should be included in the catalogue.
Mistakes due to misreading, forgetting a passage from the books, etc.
should, of course, be rejected.
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