Edited posts/use of reject codes

carolynwhite2 carolynwhite2 at aol.com
Mon Sep 6 21:40:07 UTC 2004

--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, "corinthum" <kkearney at s...> 
 If a post discusses a reject subject (for example, fanfic or movies) 
and then addresses a separate catalogue-accepted subject, I'll check 
the specific reject category in addition to the other subjects but 
not the Reject Post box.  Should I stop coding the reject portion of 
these posts?
> -Kelly

Um, yes please...we have to make an initial decision as to whether it 
is a reject or not. On multiple posts, it is a non-reject if it has 
any element that you want to code up on subjects between sections 1-
4, but you shouldn't try to code any other content.

One of the things we will have to work out is what to do with 
multiple posts. Paul says there are various potential technical 
solutions, but as yet has not started working on them. He really 
needs some help to do this part of the catalogue and is going to 
produce the wording for an ad to go up on Feedback and OTC to see if 
someone with the relevant skills might come forward.

The legal advice we had from Heidi said it would be alright to 
highlight different bits, for instance, depending on what you had 
searched for. Doubt if we are actually allowed to wrench the posts 
apart, but I expect it would be ok to do the highlighting in such a 
way so that you completely obscured the non-relevant part of the post.

On what happens to the reject category bits, eg fic, movie etc of an 
otherwise-accepted post, I go back to what I said in a long reply to 
David a while back (see post 537). There are some arguments for 
offering some of the current reject category posts to the members 
eventually, but right now I think that's a priority too far.

If and when we get to a point where some of that material is included 
in the catalogue, I suppose there is a task to be undertaken in 
coding up those bits of the multi-posts which perhaps should be 
included in those offerings. This should not be too difficult, as by 
that point, we will have identified all the multi-posts, in order to 
have done the highlighting for the main part of the catalogue, so 
someone could review that sub-set fairly easily.

At the moment, I feel that trying to decide the merits of various 
bits of non-canon discussion is rather too much to ask in addition to 
the main categorising - eg how OT does OT have to get, before a bit 
of OT within a multi-post is coded or not?? Be interested in other 
peoples views on this.


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