*SPAM?* [HPFGU-Catalogue] Edited posts/use of reject codes

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Tue Sep 7 17:04:19 UTC 2004

Sorry to be late in responding - I've been engaged in a titanic 
struggle trying to get decent standards of safety incorporated into a 
medical lab in Kurdistan.

>  Mostly the problem turned out to be that the 'reject post' button was
>  not checked, but a reject sub-category was.
>  Some might have been caused by the database merge.
>  But some definitely had a mix of reject and non-reject categories.
>  Please don't do this, unless you are checking reject + an admin
>  category in section 5.
>  And I had more corrections on my posts than anyone - over 30, so
>  don't feel bad!
>  Carolyn
>  Barry - club
>  1726
>  1742
>  1743
>  1744
>  1754
>  1755
>  1756
>  1759
>  2804
>  2821
>  3055
>  Barry - Group
>  510
>  520
>  4277
>  6467
>  14199

Though I am a bit puzzled by  the number that fall together in the 
1700s -  a random distribution, it  ain't. OK -  I can switch to 
automatic mind-off mode on occasion, but this seems excessive, even for 
I think I'll blame the machine/site/software/Bill Gates/Voldy. 

7 sins/virtues, whatever.  I agree  with corinthum -  keep ''em 
together until it becomes necessary to split 'em up.

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