[HPFGU-Catalogue] Tolkein a drunken sot..

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Thu Sep 16 08:04:16 UTC 2004

On 15 Sep 2004, at 22:42, carolynwhite2 wrote:

> From post 19320:
>  Tolkien liked to spend evenings drinking beer while singing viking
>  songs in their original languages, and some of his colleagues
>  considered him less than fully serious. After his death in 1973 one
>  colleague lamented the loss of "a very fine medieval scholar who
>  might have done so much more work of lasting value."
>  Carolyn
>  still in snippet mode...and trying to remember the Philosopher's
>  drinking song..come on Barry, help me out, something about Descartes
>  being a drunken fart and Aristotle a bugger for the bottle...
>  Apologies etc for lowering the tone..

Ah, Four Australian philosophers called Bruce.
Not much point in having a tone unless there's some-one around to lower 

Immanuel Kant was a real pissant
  Who was very rarely stable.

  Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar
  Who could think you under the table.

  David Hume could out-consume
  Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,

  And Wittgenstein was a beery swine
  Who was just as schloshed as Schlegel.

  There's nothing Nietzche couldn't teach ya
  'Bout the raising of the wrist.
  Socrates, himself, was permanently pissed.

  John Stuart Mill, of his own free will,
  On half a pint of shandy was particularly ill.

  Plato, they say, could stick it away--
  Half a crate of whisky every day.

  Aristotle, Aristotle was a bugger for the bottle.
  Hobbes was fond of his dram,

  And René Descartes was a drunken fart.
  'I drink, therefore I am.'

  Yes, Socrates, himself, is particularly missed,
  A lovely little thinker,
  But a bugger when he's pissed.
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