[HPFGU-Catalogue] Tolkein a drunken sot..

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Thu Sep 16 08:37:17 UTC 2004

>>  Carolyn
>>  still in snippet mode...and trying to remember the Philosopher's
>>  drinking song..come on Barry, help me out, something about Descartes
>>  being a drunken fart and Aristotle a bugger for the bottle...
>>  Apologies etc for lowering the tone..
> Ah, Four Australian philosophers called Bruce.
> Not much point in having a tone unless there's some-one around to 
> lower it.....

Additional information:

If you want to hear this song (in glorious lo-fi) you'll need a 
computer with speakers. Then access the Philosophy Dept website at the 
University of Adelaide library.....

Can't  supply  a link, I'm afraid - there's a hash-mark in there
that doesn't appear on an iMac keyboard, but it's


Insert hash-mark in place of *

Then  click on 'Some light relief'

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