
carolynwhite2 carolynwhite2 at aol.com
Fri Sep 24 14:51:23 UTC 2004

--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, "Tim Regan" <timregan at m...> 
> The problem it presents, I think, is one of publicity. It suggests 
> to me that the detail and the timescales of the cataloguing project 
> are not widely understood among HPfGU members. Thus Steve and 
> are spending time building ad-hoc solutions when they could 
wait ??? 
> months for the results of the catalogue to start to become 

The reason that the majority of the HPfGU members don't know about 
the project yet is because we don't have a plan to explain. Also, 
initially, there were some substantial legal issues to work through, 
which are now a good deal clearer.

If it is possible that you can find some time to work with Paul to 
help get a prototype interface written, this starts to make the whole 
project a reality. I have also suggested several times that we might 
consider a partial launch once we have catalogued say, 50 000 posts. 
Perhaps early 2005 might be a possibility for that.

Anyway, catch up with you offlist about Paul's detailed suggestions 
which he sent last week.


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