carolynwhite2 at aol.com
Thu Apr 28 16:07:19 UTC 2005
--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, ewe2 <ewe2 at 4...> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 02:07:03PM -0000, CarolynWhite2 wrote:
> > KITCHEN SINK was/is nothing of the sort. It isn't even really a
> > theory.
> I refer you again to #45498 where the acronym is spelt out. I'm
quite aware of
> what the colloquial 'kitchen sink' means, it did filter down here
to us
> colonials. In any case it looks very much like a theory, and
related to
> DISHWASHER, even in the negative sense. Personally I don't see any
> in the characterization of DD anyway, in fact I think it
strengthens DD's
> position.
#45498 is by Pippin, who doesn't support MD at all, quite the
opposite. Also, filling in the acronym had been an ongoing joke since
Marina first made the comment in #45348. First Eloise (#45374), then
Pippin (#45390), then Pip (#45401) all couldn't think of anything.
Finally Pippin made something up, which survived one post; it's not a
serious theory - PRESSURE COOKER was the one they were all really
> That's not the impression I got, and you can scream 'wrong wrong
wrong' at the
> top of your voice as much as you like. My impression is that TBAY
was as much
> intimidating as admired. I never said it wasn't valid, but it
certainly wasn't
> easy to join in. Not everyone had that skill, not everyone wanted
to build
> theories on top of each other and destroy them. The trouble with
TBAY was that
> it was too successful as an entertainment and a focus in itself, and
> discussion around it tended to focus on acronyms and positions it
You continue to sound as though it is somehow wrong for there to be
anything whatsoever on the list that can't be followed by a two year
old. And the acronyms used in TBAY were widely and consistently used
in non-TBAY style posts, as is seen in the run of posts referred to
above. People ducked in and out of the style as it pleased them.
There was no rule you had to respond in TBAY format to points raised
in those posts, and lots of people didn't.
You comment that 'the trouble with TBAY..' as though that is some
finally agreed verdict by most people. This isn't the case, many
people enjoyed it then, and continue to do so now, and would like to
see it return. You didn't, you are entitled to your view, but don't
try and make it sound like a consensus.
Much easier to talk about what TBAY said than to add to TBAY
> I doubt a quarter of the List at the time even made head or tail of
TBAY let
> alone felt qualified to make a contribution. So as a "style" it was
> unsuccessful, as a "focus" it was wildly so. I'm oddly reminded of
> Python takeoffs of "serious" BBC investigative-type current-affairs
> programmes. Yes, TBAY were the Monty Python of the List. It all
makes sense
> now.
Again, you are making assumptions that you can't prove and which are
irrelevant. There is no correlation between the number of people who
do or don't like a style and whether it is 'successful' as you term
You could use such a criteria if you were running some kind of
marketing campaign, where the objective was for the maximum number of
people to understand a sales message, but that is not the point of
contributions on HPfGU.
Every post is a personal take on the series, and if some people do
not understand what someone has said that in no way invalidates what
has been written.
And Monty Python is the wrong analogy to use if you are wanting to
criticise apparently elitist writing, since those shows and their
scripts have now become completely entrenched as part of the cult
history of satire.
> Now you're getting paranoid and more than a bit elitist, if I may
say so. Us
> idiots are quite happy for you to put on the TBAY show, just don't
expect us
> to do any different than before. We never stopped you in the first
> Lampooning people because they didn't join in is silly.
I was not part of the list during the main TBAY period, only towards
the end, just post-OOP. I don't think I've ever posted in TBAY style
on the main list, once or twice maybe some posts edged towards it.
As I've said above, no one was obliged to respond in that style, but
denigrating the people who did just because you personally find it
difficult to follow is not helpful.
My opinion, which I will not retract, is that the list is a duller
and poorer place without TBAY.
> > Carolyn
> > ..getting heated, and eyeing up that length of rope.
> Any last requests? <duck>
> Sean
..why yes, Sean, that as you are standing there with the noose around
your neck, that you listen respectfully as MD is read out to you, in
order for you to atone for your sins and beg forgiveness in the
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