The review plan ...

Jen Reese stevejjen at
Thu Feb 17 02:17:10 UTC 2005

First, I just have to say this is an impressive catalogue, Carolyn. 
And I'm not saying that just to get the categories I want *ahem*. 
Kudos to you and all the early coders who took on the task of 
categorizing Potterverse and coming up with definitions. Except for 
those few highly ambiguous categories, the rest fall neatly into 
place. Must be that Listo Organisio charm again.

> 1. Allocating groups.
> Although I hear the screams of protest from various people, I have 
> to say that the task is too big if we don't all muck in to a 
> certain extent. To ease the pain, could you each look through the 
> list and decide on the kind of topics which you wouldn't mind 
> doing. There are many which should be fairly straightforward 
> anyway - the book chapters, various beings and beasties, minor 
> characters, aspects of the WW etc. Once the bids are in, I'll 
> compile a list of who is doing what, try and even up the size of 
> the allocations between people. 

Jen's first choices:

1.4-1.4.8 Characterisation, character development and psychological 

1.8-1.12.38 Chapters. (I've been coding quite a bit to chapter 
categories and look up everything I'm not absolutely certain about, 
so I have a good feel for what belongs where.)

1.5- Symbolism

Others: Any of the characters or anything from catergory 3.0, The 
Wizard World.

> Then we'll deal with the problem of who does the inevitable few 
> ghastly topics which no one wants to touch with a barge pole...
> I think that despite this, some topics are still too big for one 
> person on their own to tackle. This is where the Difficult 
> Committee comes in - which is open to anyone who *really* enjoys 
> semantics..... (the office is filled with pops and bangs as 
> cataloguers apparate like no tomorrow..).

I'll be on the Difficult Subjects Committee, but I'm not very fond 
of Lit crit. Don't get it, don't want to get it...might interfere 
with my enjoyment of Potterverse. 

"What else is filed under the 'no one wants to touch with a barge 
pole' category?" Jen asks, wondering if she should ask questions 
first and volunteer later.

OK, the rest of your plan looks fairly straight-forward. No 
questions or proposed changes on my part.

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