The review plan ...

snow15145 kking0731 at
Thu Feb 17 04:33:51 UTC 2005


3. Reviewing & correcting posts
Once the definition is collectively agreed, then it is time to go
ahead and sort through the section, removing posts that don't fit the
spec, and also probably removing posts that 'add nothing new' *to
that topic*. This may mean the post gets ditched altogether if that
is the only thing it is coded to, but if there are other codes on a
post, then leave it for the review that takes place against that
other code. Does that make sense?

Then there is the question of posts which don't have the right codes
on because they were done early on in the process before some
categories were invented. I am really not sure what to do about this,
because if we just go ahead and add the codes, it mucks up what
someone else may be doing on another category. The same problem
arises if people carry on cataloguing whilst we do the review. Any


My first thought when I read this was to make a temporary tick box 
for all posts that should not belong under a particular subject. When 
reviewing a category and you come across a post that is questionable 
you would tick the box; lets call it sorting mess, and write in the 
comment box at the bottom what subject code needs to be addressed 
along with the suggested proposal of where it should be placed. This 
way you would not be moving the post completely from the category 
until everyone in each category is done, eliminating any confusion by 
actually moving the post into a category that has yet to be checked. 
Once all categories are reviewed you would move on to the temporary 
tick box and make the necessary adjustments by checking the comment 
box to see the category that was in question and the recommendations, 
take off the unwanted category plus the temp tick box and add the 
recommended new category (if applicable) and erase the comment box. 
In the end you only have to deal with the sorting mess box, which 
should be quick and painless. 


First, I just have to say this is an impressive catalogue, Carolyn.
And I'm not saying that just to get the categories I want *ahem*.
Kudos to you and all the early coders who took on the task of
categorizing Potterverse and coming up with definitions. 


I would just like to say Ditto to this sentiment! I would offer up 
the standard reward of a large bar of Honeydukes finest but I think 
it better to offer a master key to the locked liquor reserves which 
we all may need access to by the end of this project. :-) Hiccup

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