Crouch Sr - Enjoying a taste of CRAB CUSTARD

elfundeb elfundeb at
Sun Feb 20 22:44:40 UTC 2005

What a tasty dish of CRAB CUSTARD this category turned out to be!  There were 218, mostly very good posts, though a significant number probably shouldn't have been coded here.   I haven't done anything to the coding yet, because I've lost track of the guidelines and I want to make sure I do it right. 

43 posts weren't sufficiently about Crouch Sr. to be coded to him.  I think I am supposed to untick his name and add 5.6.

3 should have been coded to Jr rather than Sr.  I'll switch and add 5.6.

7 repeat points already made and should be rejected.  I'll reject and add 5.6.

I would add additional codes to 4 posts.  If I understand this right, I put into the comment section what I think should be done, add 5.6 but *don't* make the change?  Or do I make the change and comment?  This is where I'm confused.

Finally, the Nel question on rulebreaking was here.  Do we keep it coded to Crouch Sr?  There was only a 1-word reference asking readers to consider Crouch Sr. in analyzing the question.

Back to the issue of family dynamics vs. name-specific codes.  I was mostly done with Crouch Sr. before noticing that a lot of these posts could have been coded to family dynamics, but they were mostly about Crouch himself.  Part of the problem is that making sense of his treatment of Barty Jr is quintessential to understanding his character, but it also sheds light on his attitudes toward rulebreaking, the importance of maintaining his public persona, etc.  To me, these posts were more about Crouch himself than family dynamics.  It didn't even occur to me to recode.

In my previous comment, I meant to keep *both* codes.  Part of my thinking is that readers won't be as familiar with the headings and may not know to look under family dynamics, especially if it isn't under character analysis.  This would not be a problem, though, if (a) we go with the subheadings under family dynamics, and (b) the index for catalogue users includes the family dynamics subheading under F&G as well as wherever else it appears.

Maybe I've been doing it wrong all along.  For example, if I code to Dumbledore's Agenda, am I not supposed to code to Dumbledore as well?

who would be interested in History/Economics/Politics/Law and Order if some one else would be interested in sharing its 1888 posts
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