[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: Hermione/Ron and the trio - NEW CODE, PLEASE NOTE

Sean Dwyer ewe2 at aardvark.net.au
Tue Feb 22 11:17:36 UTC 2005

On Tue, Feb 22, 2005 at 10:42:54AM -0000, CarolynWhite2 wrote:

> Carolyn:
> I am going to add this category, and see how people get on with it. 
> If it has the advantage of cleaning out the HRH categories, and it is 
> possible to distinguish it from the SHIP posts, then it may be useful.
> What happens when the posts stray from strictly HRH, and start to 
> include Draco or something? Do they still go there? I don't think 
> they should or this category will also become a ragbag.

My guide is, what is the primary focus? Secondary categories are good if
you're conversant with the ideas, but this is so mind-numbingly BIG no one
person can keep a grip on that stuff. We have to be cruel about it or the
ragbags will get us. If that means Draco misses out, I'm sure he'll get enough
category action to make up for it. Machines can't do this, and humans are only
barely capable. If that means I have to redo the Weasleys and Granger, I will
gladly suffer that to get things as right as possible from the start.

"You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do."

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