'Dursleys' vs Vernon and Petunia

sevenhundredandthirteen sevenhundredandthirteen at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 25 00:48:57 UTC 2005

I've just finished Muggles.

Original post count: 751
New post count: 305.

That's a humungous cull rate. It's all because I distinguished between
when the Dursleys were being discussed as a group, and when they were
being discussed as individuals.

Many, many, many posts used only the collective term 'The Dursleys'
and the names Vernon, Petunia and Dudley never even appeared in the
text. Yet these post were coded to each individual character.

The category " Dursleys" now has 159 post. It could be divided
into two categories- one dealing with how the Dursleys interect
amongst themselves, another dealing with how the Dursleys interect as
a group with the outside world.

There were also a million posts about whether Petunia is a squib. I'm
a raging member of SPINO now. I found the most interesting theory to
be that Vernon is actually the Weasley's muggle cousin.

I'm going to embark on Geographical Locations now: if the post isn't
discussing the location of a place, it gets moved. Sounds
straightforward enough. 


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