[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: Granger Progress Report, etc

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Fri Feb 25 09:25:10 UTC 2005

>  Alcohol, though near essential for even contemplating this task is
>  not recommended when approaching any of the under-age characters. Not
>  only will you probably be arrested in the US of A, but you will start
>  to wonder if you even give a damn whether any of them make it to the
>  end of the series. This is a slippery slope, as constantly
>  demonstrated by m'learned friend, counsel for the prosecution, Mr
>  Arrowsmith.

This is difficult since it is a well-attested fact that the four main 
food groups - caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and chocolate - are necessary 
to maintain an individual's immunity to the never-ending crap that life 
dumps on your plate. And there's an awful lot of that in these posts. 
It's impossible for example, to even consider the possibility of the 
existence of Luna without a stiff drink clutched in  your fist.

Oh dear..... here we go again.... gin at 9 am.

Yes,  back from battling the jackals in the Great Wen. Hate it. 
Venturing down there  gives one an insight into the meaning of the 
entry in Capt. Scott's diary - "Great God, but this is an awful place."

I'll try to get the Narrative style remnants sorted out this weekend.

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