Hermione Granger Report
Sean Dwyer
ewe2 at aardvark.net.au
Sat Feb 26 10:16:33 UTC 2005
Mt Granger has been conquered and the view is still strange:
Initial posts: 1270
Final posts : 802
Where to begin...
I want to give a citation to the esteemed Ms. Laura Huntley for steadfastly
defending HG against all comers, and generally being a bit more insightful
than many eager HG deconstructionalists. A typical Huntley post (eg #35937)
uses both logic and bemused drollery to dispatch most contentions. The
awe-inspiring Tabouli has also had a major direction on debate as has
cindysphinx. Somehow even one of my posts got in there, but thankfully I've
been able to edit it out (HPFGU Catalogue - Lust For Power!) :)
The most repulsive idea I came across is the Draco/Hermione ship. And if it
were possible to be even more repulsive, the bizarrely repulsive idea that
Darcy of Pride and Prejudice is a worthy parallel to Draco, however flattering
the concomitant parallel between Elizabeth and Hermione. I simply do not
understand the emotional logic driving this theory. Colin Firth would be
horrified. So enough of that thank you!
A tremendous amount of identification is obviously going on, with the inviting
spectacle of young, brash, intelligent women cheering one of their own and the
less cheerful spectacle of older, wiser sadder yet determined women gently and
not-so-gently reminding said YBIW just where that got THEM. This goes beyond
feminism, Hermione is the focus of a major social discourse that I am for once
glad I am not qualified to share (except for stating my preference).
Given the state of current SHIPing, Ron and Harry are getting mixed up in
things, and as the Trio, all three are given almost musketeer-like personas
(perhaps they should form a band), but if there is one view I have come around
to is that HG may well get, if need isn't exactly the word, some kind of
setback that evens the score with Ron and Harry. This is as hotly contested as
everything else, but isn't entirely due to mere malice.
Doing these categories HAS been good for my Potterverse sensibility, Carolyn.
I cheerfully predict that Hermione will be Head Girl. But then Ron will be
Head Boy. And speaking of ickle ronnikins, guess where I'm going next....but
first the brandyyyyy.....(screams of drunken joy off stage)
Sean the thorougly insane penguin
"You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do."
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