Draco done- on to teachers
quigonginger at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 4 04:12:32 UTC 2005
Draco is done. Was 942 posts plus 3 DRACO'S TRAGEDY.
Now 409+3.
There are about 900 synonyms for twit. I should have kept a record.
If we add the new category, it should be strictly for Redeemed!Draco
and arguements rather than ESE!Draco as pretty much every Draco post
is an ESE post. The difference would be that the subcategory would
be discussions of whether or not he can/will be redeemed with canon
as evidence as opposed to discussion of canon with a comment on
whether or not the individual canon discussed shows any indication of
redeemability. Clear as mud, right? Thought so.
Allow me to illustrate. Pardon the lack of flannelgraph.
New category example:
Draco will never be redeemed as he crossed the line with what he said
about Cedric being the first and Mudbloods and muggle-lovers next.
He has shown racist tendencies (ie his calling Hermione a Mudblood)
in the past, but gloating over a fellow student's death is over the
limit. (Continue in that vein, with canon examples)
Not a new category example: (keep in main):
Draco was over the edge with his comment about Cedric being the
first. I have to wonder why he would be gloat over the death of a
Pureblood, especially one he had been supporting as champion. Is he
glad that LV is back, no matter what the collateral damage? Does he
believe Harry is culpable and is rubbing it in? Why would he say
such a terrible thing? (Continue discussing that incident)
Does that make it clearer?
No? Ask me later. I'll be glad to elucidate. As it is, I am not
lucid at the moment, having spent a total of 4 waking hours away from
Draco this weekend (well, away from the computer- I did stop to catch
up on the main list, HH, TOC, and write a filk).
Moving on, I have signed up for teachers 2.03.9-2.03.20 except Minnie.
Re: my question about files. I was wondering because Potioncat (I
think) had written a reminder to update both the database and files
and I had no clue what she was talking about. I know you, Carolyn,
responded that you were lax on that. I assumed the reminder was to
all of us. I'll just keep using the database and let those who have
a clue deal with the rest.
Ginger, who found a good thought in that batch of 100 which she will
bring up to the list.
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