[HPFGU-Catalogue] Gone Fishin'

ewe2 ewe2 at 4dot0.net
Mon Jul 11 00:57:37 UTC 2005

On Mon, Jul 11, 2005 at 12:12:11AM -0000, Jen Reese wrote:

> ///Do we have a spoiler policy here btw, or can we start discussing 
> right away? Not that I'll be near a computer from Saturday morning 
> until Monday night. I'll survive. Maybe. :( ///

The discussion we had to have...I earnestly enjoin all to avoid spoilers for a
week or whatever is closest to the List period. I am sorely tempted to gabble
at once, so this is an attempt to zip my own mouth as much as anything...

> Anyway, what are everyone's plans for HBP???? 

I'll be swinging by the shop at about 6-6.30am Saturday morning, planning to
be at least in the first 5 in line by 9.01am like last time. Then I am going
home AT ONCE to commence reading.

> Jen, hoping Carolyn is doing OK as we haven't heard from her since 
> the bombing.

Poor thing is probably having to walk everywhere...

sed awk grep cat dd ..Im a luser baby ,so why don't you killall -kill me.

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