spoilers was Re: Gone Fishin'
willsonkmom at msn.com
Mon Jul 11 01:41:36 UTC 2005
Jen asked:
> > ///Do we have a spoiler policy here btw, or can we start
> > right away? Not that I'll be near a computer from Saturday
> > until Monday night. I'll survive. Maybe. :( ///
Kathy W:
Well back in post 2401 (I think) Carolyn asked for input...I don't
think any of us replied. She pointed out that Kelly wouldn't be able
to get HBP until August sometime and she wasn't sure about Dot.
So unless we're going to agree not to come to this board at all until
we've read the book, I think we need spoiler warnings. It could get
tricky, I mean an accidental "How do we code ESE!Lupin now that we
know the truth?"... could drive someone mad.
So I vote for Spoiler space until we hear differently from Kelly and
> > Anyway, what are everyone's plans for HBP????
Kathy W:
I'm stocking up on easy to prepare meals, pre-cooking casseroles,
filling the shelves with junk food, posting instructions above the
washer-and-dryer, and warning my family they are on their own! They
still talk about the the last time a HP book came out and Mom forgot
to make meals and do laundry. (I really do need to get a paying job.
I'm such a Molly!)
They set themselves up this year: everyone voted for amusement parks
(which I hate) for vacation and when my loving husband asked what I
wanted to do, I said, "Just give me peace and quiet to read the new
HP book."
As for Carolyn...(Is anyone else unaccounted for?) ...I'm hoping that
it's a case of HPfGU taking a lower spot on her priorities right now.
I hope you are safe and well.
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