Differences between editions/Caps&Punct/Illust.

serenadust jmmears at comcast.net
Wed Jul 13 17:46:35 UTC 2005

I'm very happy to say that I've finally completed the 4.1.2
(differences between editions), (Capitalization & 
Punctuation), and (Illustrations) sections.

The 4.1.2 section was reduced from 423 posts to 349, mainly by 
sharply reducing the number of posts complaining about the "dumbing 
down" of the US editions of PS/SS.  I also decided to 
reduce/eliminate the posts discussing the "wand order" inconsistency 
in GoF since they were mostly also coded to (Priori 
Incantatum/Incantato) as well.  One reason this section took me so 
blasted long is that I have a terrible tendency to overthink these 
things and changed my mind at least twice about several of these 
posts.  I just hope I haven't been *too* inconsistent, because I 
have a real weakness for Tabouli's posts and may have kept a few in 
this category just because they're so darn much fun to read :D.

As for and Punctuation), I reduced the 4 
posts to 2 (50% reduction, YAY!)and reduced (Illustrations) 
from 104 to 94.

I'm very sorry that I haven't been able to contribute as much to the 
Catalogue project as I originally had hoped, but I'm awed at the 
dedication (and productivity) of so many of the other members of the 
team.  I don't anticipate having much more free time for the rest of 
the summer but hope that I may be able to help a bit more come 

I hope everyone can enjoy the HBP break and can fully savor the new 
canon experience.  One thing that this project has really impressed 
on me is how great some of the past posting was compared to the 
current level of discussion.  Maybe this new book will inspire some 
of the really talented members to re-establish the high quality, 
imaginative discussion that used to define HPfGU.

Well, I can hope....

Jo Serenadust, who would also like to say how relieved she was to 
see that our London-based members came through the recent horror 

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