Project 61393/Gender/penguin etc.
elfundeb at
Sun Jun 5 13:02:42 UTC 2005
Miss Havisham listened from behind her door. Jen seemed to be coping
well with her new role. At the weekend she would ask for a progress
report on Project 61393, the catchy title for finishing the pre-OOP
posts before 16th July.
My contribution to Project 61393: I promise each week either to
catalogue 100 posts or to complete one of the review categories on
my list. And to stash some single malt whisky for the celebration
when the project is complete.
Current report: At long last, I've finished reviewing "Portrayal of
Males/Females". It's been chopped down to 263 from 400 plus. I
think I could have done better, though. Blame the dull blade on my
axe. Some of these posts just got pushed to Sexual Orientation,
including some Perversion in the Graveyard posts. Since some of
these posts suggest that the homoerotic undertones are more about
rape than sexual orientation, I propose to delete the code and leave
them coded solely to Voldemort. Any objections? I'll take my axe
in for sharpening before beginning this review.
The Penguin wrote:
#51227 where Debbie admits she hates Harry (but
> actually gives good reasons for it unlike some).
Wait a minute! I don't really hate Harry! For the record, I
wrote: "I don't dislike Harry at all; however, there is something
about Harry's
character that *does* rub me the wrong way: I don't like his
>Only one filk, sadly.
But there were two *excellent* filks just this week. Take a bow,
Dungrollin and Ginger.
> seems to be a lot of aimless yammering at this point in List Time
> a recurring event).
Like now? Seriously, I've been tempted to add to the top of some of
the pending messages I've approved, "Note to Cataloguers: Tedious
repetition. Reject without reading."
Carolyn . .
snorted with delight to find
> Debbie's extensive 'meaning of quidditch' post [48192]. Now,
> you want this coded to any of the literary analysis
> categories? I have put it under foreshadowing, but was wondering
> about plot development perhaps. BTW, you got an FP from me, anyway!
I've become quite a minimalist coder, so I think the categories you
chose are fine.
And thank you! I have a rather odd attachment to some of my old
posts, including this one, but it's impossible to be objective about
> > I can't find anything in any of the files or with Yahoo!Mort in
> > posts about how to code L.O.O.N. memoranda. Do they count as
> > significant pieces of site history? Just for a laugh, TBAY, or
> > as OT?
I vote to save at least the funny ones, as a reflection of list
culture. Though not technically TBAY, they are TBAY-ish. (despite
the fact that Amanda claimed she could not write in TBAY style).
who must put in a good word for that bad-ass huggy bunny Lupin
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