[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: Killer Kitties
ewe2 at 4dot0.net
Wed Jun 15 19:05:42 UTC 2005
On Wed, Jun 15, 2005 at 06:42:32PM -0000, Jen Reese wrote:
> Jen: Hey, having both a dog and a cat (and fish and now a crab since
> going to the beach) I howled over the 'cat as the ultimate
> conspiracy theorist' post. My cat, however, is free to come and go
> as he pleases and *still* remains with us, much to the chagrin of my
> dh and son, who think he's useless.
> Now the eager-to-please dog, the one who gets the bottomless food
> bowl, all the love she wants, walks and etc.? SHE bolts out the door
> into oncoming traffic whenver we turn our backs for a teeny-tiny
> mintue. Ingrate.
I haven't had a cat for years, but I do have an adorable and rather silly
terrier named Snowy who is completely helpless without me. When I get overseas
sometime in the next year I will have to make a difficult decision...
> Jen, who had a nasty batch of posts with *content* in the last 100
> and is looking for more debates over the cover in the next batch.
I'm trying to avoid RSI from rejecting endless discussions of WANDS and stupid
50-point questionaires for half the series. My new record is 95 rejects -
there were five filks in the last batch.
sed awk grep cat dd ..Im a luser baby ,so why don't you killall -kill me.
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