[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: The Aftermath...

ewe2 ewe2 at 4dot0.net
Mon Jun 27 16:01:03 UTC 2005

On Mon, Jun 27, 2005 at 03:24:22PM -0000, Carolyn White wrote:

> If you think that'll get you off the hook, think again.
> Ginger is one serious SHIPing taskmaster. Your homework (by Friday) is 
> four feet of parchment on why Hermione fancies a threesome with both 
> Ron and Harry, explaining your reasons in terms of young teenage 
> sexuality in Britain today. For extra marks you can fantasise about why 
> she wants to ride Firenze bareback.

I hear the big thing these days is teenage nudism, you could explore that.

> Carolyn, fishing out a whip from the management tool store.

You need a LART (Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool): cattle-prods are much
favoured in the system administration community, although perhaps a taser may
suffice in the interim.

sed awk grep cat dd ..Im a luser baby ,so why don't you killall -kill me.

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