[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: Aftermath...

Ginger quigonginger at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 29 11:49:55 UTC 2005

boyd: While Carolyn's guess was entertaining, it's really Frito-Lay North
America, which we egotistical Americans have redefined here at PepsiCo to
include just the U.S. and Canada. Mexico is part of Latin America. (duh)
They actually let me manage finances here. Can you believe it?

Ginger, who swears she thought Boyd was British (my apologies to the Crown):  

Frito-Lay!  THE Frito-Lay!  Really?  Cool!  You have done your share of SHIPping as far as I'm concerned.  It took 4 bags of Doritos, 2 of Kettle Cooked Lays and 1 Twisted Cheetos to review the SHIP category.

Your new SHIP assignment:  Keep your company solvent until the catalogue project is done.  I'm sure Miss will have other assignments for you.  Just keep those Doritos coming and I'm happy.

Ginger (before): Find out how Carolyn knows that Herm fantasized about Firenze. If
you are a Star Wars fan, figure out my devotion to Chewbacca. (That is for
extra credit and is not required.)

boyd: I think I still prefer the Hermione-Grawp pairing, thanks.

Ginger (now):
Since I'm letting you off the hook with SHIPs, I'll complete that assignment.

Ginger's top 10 reasons that Chewbacca would make a perfect husband.

10)  He is good at fixing things.

9)  He is very loyal.

8)  He would rip the arms off anyone who tried to hurt me.

7)  He is accustomed to the type of hair clogs he would find in my shower drain.

6)  Having viewed his anatomy, I can find no reason to believe that there would be any requests for any actions on my part that make middle-aged, rotund, arthritic women emit screams of discomfort (followed by the man mistaking them for a request for more).

5)  His piloting skills would make it possible for me to attend every HP gathering around the globe.

4)  His movie royalities would allow me to quit my job and devote 40 more hours per week to the cataloguing project.

3)  He is intelligent, but wouldn't talk over my head (like TOC).

2)  As a resident of the Frozen North, I could save a mint on my heat bill by snuggling up to him.

And the #1 reason Chewbacca would make the perfect husband: He is used to being second in command.  

And there you have it.

Ginger, wondering if Chester Cheetah was based on Boyd.

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